Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to me!

So yeah... I love the man's hair.
I creep up and lick his full head of yummy locks whenever I can.
I love his arm hair too.
And then occasionally I spy a few random chest hairs sticking out of his shirt...
He hates it but I quickly get a lick of man hair before he knocks me away.
What can I say?
I love bathing my humans whenever I get the chance.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ahhh Laundry Day!

Ahhh the smell of freshly laundered clothing!!!
It brings out the animal in me.

Back off.
It's my laundry now.


Does it look like I'm playin'?


Gimme the socks!


Haha you can't see me..


Now leave me alone.
I'm going to have a nice laundry nap.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nip Partie Deux

I had such a good day!

I rolled to the left.

I rolled to the right.

I got sleepy.

I ate some more nip.

I rolled in the nip.

Yay! A sock!

So wut.

Mmmmm pizza hot pocket.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I found the bag of catnip today.
The supremo blend.
I ripped it open and basked in the glory until the human found me.
Meh. humans.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A meteoric intro

Hello World! My human decided that I needed to start here I am.

My name is Cleopatra.
And, just like my namesake, I am into power, world domination, and cat worship.

Here is a little morsel about me:

I can read the humans thoughts.
I enjoy lounging in the sun, nibbling tasty photographs, and stealing socks.
I eat the nip each day yo!
Occasionally I enjoy the thrill of the kill.  I can't help it; It's instinct.
My humans are great although they keep bringing in these nasty animals they call dogs.
I adore big, orange tomcats. Meow baby.
I'm a healing master and I've been known to do some magical work for my human.
I must get 19 hours of sleep each day.. or else.

Oh, I have something better to go do. Later.